Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Writer's Obligation

I might have know it would come to this. I have two Followers and a feature, "Manage." Manage the Followers?I'd like to know how I'm supposed to do that. Both of these Followers are noted Writers and Rebels with Rebel written in bold. What is really worrisome is that I now feel a writer's obligation to come up with something worth following. Oh, the angst of the blank page! Can I take Sundays off? How about a map? That's worth following. Or I could pretend I am the Oprah of the Shire and make book recommendations. How about both? A map and a book. Excellent. The Shire's first book recommendation is a quirky,unforgettable,poignant little tale about an eleven year old girl who writes cowboy poetry. Well, maybe it isn't about her but she is what caught my attention in a big way. How's that for a scholarly review? It's called Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. Her poetry is the best! It's set in Minnesota in the 1960's know what? I'm going to stop writing and see where my copy is. A writer's obligation, according to Randy B, is to cut all the adjectives and sum things up in three sentences. I'm over my limit. The blessings of Sunday to you courageous followers and sensible non-followers!

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