Friday, January 9, 2009

Trickle Up

Blobbing is confusing. The newer posts are what the pages open to. Now, how many books, letters, secret memoranda, and love notes start from the bottom? I've heard of reading east to west as in the Chinese version of the San Francisco Chronicle, but the only Read Up material with which I am acquainted is the Amtrak schedule. Did you know I can get from the Shire to New York City easy peasey on the tracks? And I'm not talking about the freight to Carr Mill. I'm talking THE CAROLINIAN! There's one leaving in an hour...if you don't hear from Mirushka for a couple of days, you'll know what she's up to.
The above is my version of tracks and the photos are what you might see if you were taking the scenic route with Mirushka. May you have the blessing of mir journeys today and everyday.

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