Saturday, January 24, 2009

On the Eve

photo credit: Robert Janz

I think of the number 20 as being "on the eve of" because it is my birthday number which fell on the eve of the summer solstice in 1938. Can you believe this is my 20th post? Please do not count. I could be wrong but one thing I know: the Archive is getting longer than the posts. Who would have thunk? Consequently, this post is "on the eve" of something big. Let moi know if something big happens in your writing life as, even though I said to moiself that I would write a special poem for Robbie Burns' birth date (tomorrow), I have yet to come up with something that matches his, "Love is like a red, red rose that's newly sprung..." Speaking of which, I was forwarded Birthday Calculator which happily said, "My Flower" is the wild rose. Neat! There were miniature wild roses outside the Veterans' office/house in Eureka. Each day on my walk, I would bend over one and say, "Hello, Cheerful." I'm sure any vet looking out the window would have muttered,"It takes all kinds. At least she's not a shouter." Maybe that's why a vet came out one day and asked, "How's it goin', Pretty Lady?" I have, by chance (?!) added a flower slide show and that is a reminder to have you take a look at a spectacular slide show on Micah Evans' site:
Blessings of good cheer and pretty happenings be yours.

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