Thursday, January 22, 2009

Paradise Revisited

Call us The Tinkerers. What I've noticed about the friends I have most in common with is that they like to revise. Years ago, I read a collection of short stories by the Irish writer Frank O'Connor (a pseudonym for Michael O'Donovan)after his death. His wife said it would be the final uncut version as Frank wouldn't be around to revise. It turns out that even after his stories were published, he'd go back and tinker with them. You should see my scribbles and scraps! On that note, the URL for Susanna Foster's memorial dvd has been changed to...YouTube - Susanna Foster--- In Loving Memory ..............and the 1/20/09 Blob has new doors...the newest obituary to come to my Inbox: Obituary: Susanna Foster Music The Guardian Perhaps that's why amongst my favorite words are these: update, the latest scoop, breaking news, refresh, ripped-from-the-headlines, and did-you-hear. They share the concept of, "Growing." My best of friends and family don't jell out. They are not, as my Eureka friend used to say, "Stuck in stupid." They grow.


The blessings of growing things, still invisible, be yours.

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