Monday, March 2, 2009

The Pleasure of Thy Company

The Shire is not a B&B, unless you want to think of it as Beautiful and Bustling. Breakfast is not served but rummaging in the pantry is fine and recommended if you are up before elevenses. Posters for Carrboro's Open Eye Cafe are prominently displayed, hint, hint. There are beds of a sort, each with its own idiosyncrasies, with multiple handmade quilts showcasing good fortune patterns and ladders. It takes an adventurous person, to put it euphemistically, to visit but adventure is what life is about, no? First, there is the problem of location. Mapquest cheerfully winds one around the Chapo Heeel Public Library assuming all the while you are not in a hurry. Then, there's the technicality of arbitrary name changing streets and don't forget the sudden, disorienting, "You are now entering" of townships when you didn't know you'd even left. North Carolina's most common welcome sign features a pineapple. There is a story to that but I don't recall what it is. I can tell you one thing, though, I'm sure the pine is for, "I pine and balsam, too," when guests leave. However, the Longleaf Pine being the North Carolina tree of note I feel entitled to go and commune with the pines and my guestbook and do a little bawling to get the toxins out. The Shire has been honored to have as its guests Voloydimir, the Ukrainian engineer specializing in indoor sprinkler systems and philosophy, and this week: singer/songwriter/memoirist/humanitarian/comic/ and commentator, Micah "Meatjacket" Evans. See photo (used without his permission) of when he looked good. The other Distinguished Avocado is Randy Walker who has not been a guest but I borrowed the pic b/c I didn't have one of Voloydimir. The pleasure of guests was all ours, "ours" being The Ditsy Chics of the Blue Mountains, Middle Earth, and The Shire--Dixie's very own enchanted realm. I'm hoping for a 5 star rating but I'll take a half o' one. I would think the plastic chickens out in the front yard would rate at least two. Y'all come down and see Moi sometime.
....may the blessings of good company and provisions be yours...

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