Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The King of Postcards

My first memory of my older brother is of his standing in the corner facing the wall. What a fascinating hobby!--because it did seem to be a hobby. I'm told that when I learned to walk, I was often seen attempting to squeeze in to stand next to him. I kept trying to figure out what he saw there. Later, I discovered this was a punishment for drawing on the walls. I was profoundly intrigued by the fact that he didn't appear to learn his lesson. He still hasn't! as you can see on his voidvisions blog. Ultimately, I was the great beneficiary to having stood by him: postcards. I have circa 200 postcards in my collection. I found one without a drawing but the lettering of the 3 word message and address were the best of letter drawing, of course; the stamps, the tops in art. Another gift was that my brother became my advocate at times during which I stubbornly refused to listen to others. My mother would say to him, "Reason with her!" This worked for I knew He Who Stands in the Corner also was He Who Knows His Sister's Heart.
...May the blessings of kinship find you and welcome you home...

1 comment:

  1. Such a unique commentary. I hope your brother likes it, I know I do!
