Monday, April 27, 2009


Graffiti "signature" created by Henry Hobbs who has had a lot of leavetakings in his life and is always ready for a cheerful re-uniting.


It seems my life has been made up of meetings and leavetakings, separations and re-unitings to a degree that echoes the regular scheduled ebb and flow of the ocean longing for the shore. For this post, I decided to put on a poem I found in my scraps. However, I felt a need for a new ending reflecting the way things go with Moi. It is a poem of parting but I am imagining a sequel. I am fond of sequels. "And then what happened?" is a favorite question. I have been off on another jaunt. It reaffirmed that there is never an entirely goodbye goodbye. This poem was lodged in a notebook from LSU days. Even then, I was collecting quotes and favorites. At that time, I thought it was very beautiful and very sad. I took it to heart. Not anymore. Between then and now, I have come to believe in chance encounters and their re-encounterings. I believe in Universe arranged sequels. I was delighted when boarding the subway to meet my brother, there sat the cellist who picks out the music for the chamber ensemble of the Orchestra of St. Luke's, originally begun at the church of St. Luke in the Fields in Greenwich Village. She had her cello with her and Will said he recognized her from the many concerts he has attended. We three had a wonderful conversation about violinists. I told her about Appalachian State and James Ogle and Jonesy during World War II. I said I hoped to see her some season in Brooklyn, a happy sequel! Enjoy the poem however you see it. "God be with you till we meet again."
"Blue mountains lie beyond the north wall,
Round the city's eastern side flows the white water.
Here we part, friend, once forever--
You go ten thousand miles, drifting away
Like an unrooted water-grass.
Oh, the floating clouds and the thoughts of a wanderer!
Oh, the sunset and the longing of an old friend!
We ride away from each other, waving our hands,
While our horses neigh softly, softly."
Li Po
...the blessings of blue vistas in the distance and the welcome of friends be yours....

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