It was the ideal format for me and I liked the perky modest look. Then came the "widgets." Instead of fishes, I had a climbing frog. Instead of the Dalai Lama, I showcased Tolkien. I added photography (microscopic and scenes of New York City--how prophetic!) and the front page of the NYTimes. In honor of my father, I tossed Aristotle and Socrates in the mix and a slideshow. On my first "cover letter," I made a typographical error which came out to the whimsical word, "blob." Perfect. Dian of Roanoke suggested Facebook. I says to myself says I, "Why not?" I was only going to try one post to see how it worked. Sound familiar? I discovered I could post Chad Mitchell songs and articles such as the one about Grover's Corners. There were orgs which I could link like Save the Children, Poets, and Oxfam. And quizzes. Did you know I'm a Basset Hound? Somewhere along the way, I spotted Share the blob. Next came "Be a Fan." Why not? I became a fan of so many sites I can hardly keep up on the feed. Ask me anything about the latest in science, San Francisco, gay marriage, farmers' markets, and opera (among other topics) and I can make a good stab at a fairly lengthy conversation. Four days into my Facebook adventure came a Friend Request from someone Dian knew in New York. Why not? After that came Amtrak trips and this is the last post from the Shire because I'm off to the Treehouse by the East River.( There is a lesson in this folks and it's not the one about, "Be careful what you wish for." It's the "Say to Yourself, Why Not?" lesson.
...may the blessings of little ripples be with you hasta the second anniversary...